We provide the following services and cover the respective legal areas:
Agreements and Contracts, incl. General Terms and Conditions
- Authentication of Documents for Use Outside the U.S.
- Business Acquisitions and Mergers
- Business Negotiations
- Corporate Governance
- Corporations
- Distribution Agreements
- Distribution Models
- Document Retention
- Foreign Direct Investment in the U.S.
- General Terms and Conditions
- Immigration Aspects of Organizing and Reorganizing Business Entities
- Immigration Compliance
- Immigration Law
- Inter-Cultural Issues
- International Aspects of Tread Act Reporting
- International Business Expansion and Migration
- International Corporate Structure
- International Employee Transfers (Visa, Social Security, and Taxation)
- International, State, and Local Taxation
- International Aspects of Estate Planning
- Job Development Credits
- Job Tax Credits
- Joint Ventures
- Limited Liability Companies
- Limited Partnerships
- Limitation of Jurisdictional Exposure in the U.S.
- Limitation of Liability in the U.S.
- Management Employment Agreements and Incentive Plans
- Mechanics Liens and Similar Rights (Assertion and Defense)
- Operating Agreements
- Organization and Reorganization of Business Entities
- Partnership Agreements
- Probate and Administration of International Estates
- Purchase Agreements
- Real Estate Records
- Sales Agreements
- Secured Transactions
- Shareholder Agreements
- South Carolina Economic Development Incentive Law
- South Carolina Property Tax
- South Carolina Sales Tax
- Tobacco Import License Applications
- Work Order
In addition to these domestic and international practice areas, we also advise clients and attorneys in other practice areas on various aspects of German law, including direct investment in Germany, employee transfer to Germany, selection of German counsel and respective case management, the initiation legal proceedings in Germany, and the Retention of the German citizenship when naturalized in the United States (“Beibehaltungsgenehmigung”).
We also assist foreign clients with the selection and communication with other attorneys and professionals in the United States.
To see how to contact us please see ourĀ Contact page.
For directions please see ourĀ Directions page.